Interesting Ways to Eat Butter Kaju Pista and Dry Fruit Cookies in Winter

Cookies are a hot favorite among kids and adults. Winters are definitely the best time to enjoy these crispy melt in mouth treats. From chocolate to the traditional butter Kaju cookies in Delhi, you can choose from a huge variety of handmade and tossed cookies.

Chocolate lovers can opt for an exclusive variety of freshly baked cookies. Tea lovers cannot do without cookies in colder seasons. They either stock it for the entire winter or bake a few batches to last the season.

If you are a cookie fan, then you must check out the following famous varieties:

Chocolate Chip Cookie

These are one of the best options for both tea and coffee lovers. Stock a few packets to enjoy your Netflix series. These treats are best accompanied by a glass of warm milk on a cold day!

Dry Fruit Cookie

As the name suggests, the cookie is a mix of dry fruits to add a little health, crunch, and richness to the recipe. These treats will make you happy on an otherwise dull day. Look for some of the yummiest, crispiest Kaju Pista cookies in Delhi,

Butter Kaju Cookie

If you do not mind going a little overboard with your calorie intake, gorge on delectable butter Kaju cookies with your tea or coffee. These are widely available in reputed bakeries across Delhi. Freshly baked cookies are the best bet.

Here are a few interesting ways to eat your favorite cookies in winter:

Dunk Cookies with Hot Milk

This is a classic way to eat a cookie. You dunk a warm, chocolate chip cookie (or a favorite cookie of yours) into a hot glass of milk. This is known to be one of the most satisfying ways to enjoy this delectable treat. Kids love to dunk cookies into milk. So cookies and milk are the best combinations. The smooth, thick, and creamy flavor of milk supplement the crispiness of the cookie seamlessly. This is also what makes milk almost perfect to accompany with a cookie.

Ice cream and Cookies

This is a beautiful combination. The ice cream sandwich is loved by all. Simply cut out a thick block of ice cream and cover it with cookies from two sides. You would simply appreciate the taste.

Cookie with Indian Chai

Nothing can beat the fun of having two cookies one’s choice with a cup of hot Indian ginger chai! You can choose fruit and nut cookies, dry fruit cookies or butter cookies to team with the tea.

Eat them Raw!

It is always a good idea to eat the cookie raw! Stock up a box of your favorite cookies and have it when you want it. Make sure you don’t go overboard with it. Excess intake makes you gain weight.

Cookie Cake

If you are a huge fan of cakes, use cookies to bake one! Cookie cakes are simply amazing. These are available in many sizes. Look out for the best cookie baker in Delhi. Reputed suppliers have the best cookie varieties available.

Cookies with Good Company

Share your dry fruits cookies in Delhi with someone special and eat it. This is a fun and caring way to enjoy being in good company.

In a Nutshell

Cookies have always been an integral part of one’s dietary habits. Once you buy from the best dealer, it is time to store these treats in airtight boxes. Following the above-listed tips for eating cookies will help you. Winters are a great time to enjoy cookies with hot beverages like tea and coffee..


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